1.7 Safe Management of Linen

undefinedClean linen

This is linen that has been processed (laundered) and is ready for use.

For all used or infectious linen 

Used linen has been used by a non-infectious patient with no visible soiling or contamination by blood or body fluids.

Infectious linen has been used by a patient who is known or suspected to be infectious and/or linen that is contaminated with blood and/or other body fluids for example faeces.

When handling used or infectious linen:

Do not:

Store all used or infectious linen in a designated, safe, lockable area whilst awaiting uplift. Uplift schedules must be acceptable to the care area and there should be no build-up of linen receptacles.

Service users, patients and their carers or relatives who are required to take clothing home to launder should be provided with the Washing Clothes at Home Leaflet

Local guidance regarding management of linen may be available.  


Further information can be found in the safe management of linen literature review and National Guidance for Safe Management of Linen in NHSScotland Health and Care Environments - For laundry services/distribution.

Further information about linen bagging and tagging can be found in Appendix 8.

Scottish Government uniform, dress code and laundering policy is available.