Appendix 21 - COVID-19 Pandemic IPC Controls for Health and Social Care Settings Archive




Summary of changes

Version 1.0


New appendix which combines content from COVID-19 Appendix 21 for acute settings and Appendix 22 for community settings into a single pandemic appendix for health and social care settings.

Version 2.0


Amendments to content made following Withdrawal of the Coronavirus (COVID-19): Extended Use of Face Masks and Face Coverings Guidance Across Health and Social Care Scottish Government DL (2023) 11.

Renumbered as Appendix 19 on 2 June 2023 due to the archiving of outdated COVID-19 appendices.

Appendix 19 was removed on 28 August 2023 due to changes in the SG COVID-19 testing procedures and the NIPCM was updated to reflect this.