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National Infection Prevention and Control Manual

National Infection Prevention and Control Manual

COVID-19 NIPCM Archives


This page links to the following archived COVID-19 guidance that was in the NIPCM:

  • Acute addendums
  • Community addendums
  • Care Home addendums 
  • Appendix 21 - COVID-19 Pandemic controls for Acute Settings including Scottish Ambulance Service 
  • Appendix 22 - Community Infection Prevention and Control COVID-19 Pandemic
  • Appendix 21 - COVID-19 Pandemic controls for health and care settings
  • Hospital Testing Tables 


COVID-19 Acute Addendum Archives



Summary of changes

Version 1.0


First publication

Version 1.1


Update to section 5.7 ‘Safe Management of the Care Environment’ to reflect detail of 2nd daily clean.

Update to section 5.5 ‘Personal Protective Equipment’ to be more explicit.

Version 1.2


Update to align references to changing of facemasks between pathways.

Version 1.3


New section on communications when transferring a suspected/confirmed case

New section on car sharing

New section on visiting

Update to definition of recovered patient

Version 1.4


New section on PPE requirements for delivery of vaccinations

New section on outbreaks

Version 1.5


New section on COVID-19 testing

New section on Patients returning from weekend/day pass

New section on Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS)

Link to RCPCH paediatric guidance for pre-operative admission assessment and testing requirements

New FRSM poster (ways to improve fit)

Version 1.6


Update to 5.0.3 to reflect changes in stepdown guidance

Inclusion of SG link to asymptomatic staff testing information

New section on 5.1.1  Non-COVID patient transfers between different wards and hospitals

Version 1.7


Update to the COVID-19 testing section and associated testing table

New section on guidance for the Discontinuation of Infection control precautions and discharging COVID-19 patients from hospital

Update to PPE guidance specifically in relation to visors

New section on the hierarchy of controls

Version 1.8


Update to resources and Rapid reviews content

Additional wording added to definition of suspected case section to reflect wide variety of presenting symptoms

Strengthening of triage question relating to travel history

Additional paragraph in PPE section reinforcing need for visiting staff to seek clarity on patient pathway and PPE requirements prior to patient contact

Version 1.9


Sessional PPE use no longer accepted beyond eye protection in the high risk pathway and FRSMs across all pathways.

Update to stepdown requirement for inpatient table to recognise need for clinical assessment

Useful tools section

Version 2.0


Environmental risk assessment

Version 2.1


Change to AGP list to remove upper airway suctioning during Upper GI Endoscopy and replace with suctioning beyond the oro-pharynx.

Version 2.2


Update to COVID-19 testing table to reflect the need to test all contacts of confirmed cases.

Version 2.3


Update to PPE table to emphasise Risk Assessment in low and medium risk pathway

Addition of risk associated with valved respirators

Change in controls for management of linen, waste and environmental cleaning from TBPs to SICPs within the Medium Risk pathway

Version 2.4


5.2 COVID-19 testing.  Update made to include 'or the first positive test, if asymptomatic or other symptoms, unless they develop new possible COVID-19 symptoms' regarding any patient who has previously tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 by PCR.

5.3.8 Update to table 2 - stepdown table for 'Patient discharging to a care facility including nursing homes and residential homes'

5.3.8 Inclusion of section on 'Patients discharged from hospital to a care home (non-COVID-19)

Version 2.5


Update to Hierarchy of control including risk assessment algorithm

Inclusion of a specific paragraph advising on the use of FFP3 masks

Version 2.6


Update to physical distancing



Replaced by Version 1.0 of the respiratory addendum

Updated : 04/08/23 14:33

Scottish COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control Addendum for Community Health and Care Settings




Summary of changes

Version 1.0


First version

Version 1.1


Addition of section 7.2.5 'Discontinuing IPC control measures in community health and care settings for COVID-19 individuals'

Version 1.2


Health Centres included in list
Additional paragraph added clarifying position when organisations adopts practices that differ from those in this national guidance.
7.1.2 Definition of suspected case; Additional information and links included
7.1.4 Triaging individuals. International travel isolation changed to reflect current guidance
7.2    Individual placement/Assessment of Infection Risk section updated.
7.2.3 Individuals returning from day or overnight stay, new section included.
7.2.4 Providing care at home; Title amended
7.2.6 Table 1 Stepdown requirements for community health and care settings amended.
7.5.1 Extended use of Face Masks for staff, visitors and outpatients; additional information with link to new FRSM poster (ways to improve fit) link included.
7.5.2 Table 2: PPE for direct patient/individual care determined by pathway; Eye/face protection updated to include coughing & sneezing in medium pathway.
7.5.7 Table 3: PPE for Aerosol Generating Procedures determined by category; additional information below table included on respirators.
7.5.10 New section on PPE for delivery of COVID-19 Vaccinations
7.7 Safe Management of the Care Environment; Additional detail provided where items cannot stand application of chlorine releasing agents. Also additional information if an organisation adopts practices that differ from those recommended/stated.
7.7.1 Cleaning practice points; Additional detail also included where items cannot stand application of chlorine releasing agents. Additional information if an organisation adopts practices that differ from those recommended/stated.
7.8 Safe management of linen amended to clarify linen categorisation where no outbreak.
7.10 Safe Disposal of waste (including sharps). Wording amended to provide clarity.
7.11.1 Vehicle sharing for all staff; title amended
7.12 New section on hierarchy of controls added.
7.1.6 Resources and tools section updated

Version 1.3


7.5.5 Change to AGP list to remove upper airway suctioning during Upper GI Endoscopy and replace with suctioning beyond the oro-pharynx.
7.5.7 Update to PPE table to emphasise Risk Assessment in medium risk pathway. Addition of risk associated with valved respirators
7.6 and 7.7 Change in controls for environmental and care equipment cleaning from TBPs to SICPs within the Medium Risk category.
7.8 and 7.10 Clarification on the safe management of linen and waste.

Version 1.4


Inclusion of dental services within the addendum
Additional wording added to ‘patient placement in primary care settings’

Version 1.5


Update to physical distancing

Version 1.6


Update to physical distancing to include further information for visitors and residents within residential homes.



Replaced by Version 1.0 of the respiratory addendum



COVID-19 Care Home Addendum Archive




Summary of changes

Version 1.0


First version

Version 1.1


Inclusion of new section 6.2.4 'Discontinuing IPC precautions in care homes for residents who are COVID-19 positive'

Version 1.2


6.1.2 Definition of suspected case; Additional information and links included.
6.1.3 Triaging of residents being admitted to a care home. International travel isolation changed to reflect current guidance
6.2 Resident Placement/Assessment of Infection Risk section updated.
6.2.4 Stepdown table renamed (Discontinuation of IPC) to be consistent with Acute Addendum. Discontinuing IPC precautions in care homes for residents who are COVID-19 positive information clarified. Residents discharged from hospital to care homes – additional information included to clarify 14 day isolation requirements.
6.2.4 Links have been removed that are no longer available.
6.2.5 Residents returning from overnight stay included
6.5 Additional information included on PPE & link to hierarchy of control.
6.5.1 New FRSM poster (ways to improve fit) link included
6.5.2 Face masks for residents, additional advice on wearing masks when moving around the care home
6.5.3 Table 2 PPE for direct resident care determined by risk category. Update to PPE guidance specifically in relation to visors.
6.5.4 PPE – Putting on (Donning) and Taking off (Doffing) further detailed information included
6.5.5 Aerosol Generating procedures (AGPs) Additional information added under table on requirements for respirators/fluid resistant requirement.
6.5.8 Additional section added on delivery of COVID-19 vaccinations.
6.7 Safe Management of the Care Environment. Additional detail provided where items cannot stand application of chlorine releasing agents. Also additional information if an organisation adopts practices that differ from those recommended/stated.
6.8 Wording amended to clarify linen categorisation where no outbreak.
6.10 Safe disposal of waste. Wording amended to provide clarity.
6.11.2 Engineering and Administration control measures added.
6.12 New section on hierarchy of controls
6.14 Visiting in care homes updated following publication of ‘Open with Care’
6.16 Resources and Tools section updated.
6.17 Rapid reviews section added
6.18 Education resources added.

Version 1.3

8 July 2021

6.1.3 Triaging of residents admitted to a care home updated with changes to testing and self-isolation
6.2.4 - Discontinuing IPC Precautions in Care Homes for residents who are COVID-19 positive
Updated with clarification on self isolation in certain circumstances.
Admission of individuals to the care home: section has been updated with changes to testing and self-isolation in certain circumstances.
Table 1 Discontinuation of IPC Requirements for care homes (COVID-19 positive) Requirements on Admission of COVID-19 recovered residents from hospital: discharge updated.
Residents/patients discharged from hospital to care homes (non-COVID-19) added to provide advice for self isolation requirements upon admission.
6.5.3 Update to PPE table to emphasise Risk Assessment in medium risk pathway
6.5.5 Addition of risk associated with valved respirators
6.6, 6.7 Change in controls for environmental and care equipment cleaning from TBPs to SICPs within the Medium Risk category.
6.8, 6.9 Clarification on the safe management of linen and waste.
6.11.2 Engineering and administration controls section deleted and incorporated into 6.12 Hierarchy of Controls
6.14 Visiting - amended to reflect the collection of guidance available.

Version 1.4


Updates to physical distancing
Inclusion of risk associated with powered air purifying respirator (PAPR) when undertaking a sterile procedure.



Replaced by Version 1.0 of the Respiratory Addendum

Respiratory Addendum archive




Summary of changes

Version 1.0


Guidance launched

Version 1.1


Update to ‘Determining the IPC precautions required for AGPs’

Version 1.2


Addition of advice for regular testing in critical care units where AGPs are regularly performed on the non respiratory pathway.

Reduction of COVID-19 duration of precautions from 14 days to 10 days.

Version 1.3


Update to Non COVID-19 discharges (non respiratory pathway) from hospitals to care homes

Addition of sections for primary care and care homes to reinforce and support assessment using the hierarchy of controls.

Version 1.4


Additional information for visitors entering AGP zones.

Version 1.5


Risk assessment for management of patient placement in long term residential community settings (section 5.8 and section 5.12.2)

Update to hospital testing table

Version 1.6


The following updates reflect changes to healthcare COVID-19 pandemic controls as outlined in DL (2022) 07 as follows;

Changes to patient testing requirements including Hospital Testing Table

Inclusion of the wider use of Rapid Diagnostic Testing (including POCT) or LFD testing

Changes to management of contacts including inclusion of 28 day contact exemption

Changes to respiratory screening questions

Changes to testing requirement pre AGP on the non respiratory pathway

Withdrawal of car sharing guidance

Removal of physical distancing guidance

Please note: the above changes within version 1.6 are not applicable in care homes, prisons and social community and residential care settings at the time of version update; Extant guidance remains in place for these settings.

Version 1.7


Update to include definition of fully vaccinated

Addition to physical distancing noting that services may choose to retain physical distancing where they deem it necessary

Version 1.8


Addition of testing responsibilities at an organisational level and clarity of testing language

Change to isolation advice for service users with COVID-19

Removal of vaccination as part of contact management.



The respiratory addendum was archived and relevant content included in the NIPCM 

Appendix 21 -COVID-19 Pandemic Controls for Acute NHS settings including Scottish Ambulance Service (SAS) Archive




Summary of changes

Version 1.0


First publication – Marks transition from Winter Respiratory Infection IPC Addendum back to NIPCM.

Version 1.1


Reference to COVID-19 screening removed.

Version 1.2


Addition of dental services and GPs to title.

Version 1.3


Removal of GPs in title as now included in Appendix 22.

Version 1.4

22/08/ 2022

Changes made to testing requirements in line with DL 2022(29) issued on 22nd August 2022

Version 1.5


Update following Directors Letter (2022)32 - pause in asymptomatic COVID-19 testing in health and social care

Version 1.6


Removal of ‘Primary Care Settings’ from Table 2 – Respiratory Screening Questions

Version 1.7

06 /10/ 2022

Broken links replaced and update to COVID-19 testing requirements in line with Directors Letter (2022)32

Version 1.8


Updated to reflect that the advice contained within the Scottish Government’s DL(2022)10 remains extant.



Replaced with new Appendix 21 - COVID-19 Pandemic IPC for health and social care settings


Appendix 22 - Community Infection Prevention and Control COVID-19 Pandemic Archive



Summary of changes

Version 1.0


First publication – Marks transition from Winter Respiratory Infection IPC Addendum to a Community COVID-19 Pandemic Appendix.

Version 1.1


GP surgeries included in this this appendix and removed from  Appendix 21 – COVID-19 acute settings

Version 1.2


Content revised to reflect SG Extended Use of Facemasks Policy for ASC settings.

Version 1.3


Link added to revised content from SG clarifying use of facemasks in social care settings by healthcare staff

Version 1.4


Updated to reflect that the advice contained within the Scottish Government’s DL(2022)10 remains extant.



Replaced with new Appendix 21 COVID-19 Pandemic IPC for health and social care settings. 


Appendix 21 - COVID-19 Pandemic IPC Controls for Health and Social Care Settings Archive




Summary of changes

Version 1.0


New appendix which combines content from COVID-19 Appendix 21 for acute settings and Appendix 22 for community settings into a single pandemic appendix for health and social care settings.

Version 2.0


Amendments to content made following Withdrawal of the Coronavirus (COVID-19): Extended Use of Face Masks and Face Coverings Guidance Across Health and Social Care Scottish Government DL (2023) 11.

Renumbered as Appendix 19 on 2 June 2023 due to the archiving of outdated COVID-19 appendices.

Appendix 19 was removed on 28 August 2023 due to changes in the SG COVID-19 testing procedures and the NIPCM was updated to reflect this. 

Hospital testing tables archive




Summary of changes

Version 1.0


First version produced by Scottish Government

Version 2.0


ARHAI Scotland taking responsibility for producing table.  Inclusion of frontpage and review of content undertaken.

Version 2.1


Update made to testing requirement 3 regarding emergency admissions and PCR/POCT testing.

Update made to requirement 7 Transfer of a non COVID-19 patient to another hospital/NHS board about transferring patient while waiting for test results.

Update to section Testing Contacts of confirmed COVID-19 cases.

Version 2.2


Updates to sections on staff testing.  Reference to household member testing positive removed.  

Version 2.3


Updated to be in line with the respiratory addendum. 

Version 2.4


Update to frontpage reference to discharge to care homes to include for those still in the 14 day isolation period.  

Version 2.5


Update to frontpage to include definition of admissions. Update to testing prior to an AGP to include further information on negative tests before an AGP. 

Version 2.6


Addition of relevant policy letters or guidance relevant to each testing recommendation.

Version 2.7


Updates to reflect changes to healthcare COVID-19 pandemic controls outlined in DL (2022) 07 as follows

  • Changes to testing requirements across all recommendations
  • Inclusion of wider point of care tests (POCTs) including lateral flow devices (LFDs)
  • Changes to testing requirement pre AGP on the non respiratory pathway
  • Removal of references to physical distancing

Version 2.8


Clarity relating to COVID-19 testing terminology

Version 2.9


Additional clarifications relating to COVID-19 testing terminology

Version 2.10


Changes to reflect transition of Winter Respiratory IPC addendum to COVID-19 appendix

Version 2.11


Changes made to testing requirements in line with DL 2022(29) issued on 22nd August 2022

Version 2.12


Testing requirements updated with new paragraphs on symptomatic and asymptomatic testing. 

Addition of Appendix 1- List of PCR-based and non-PCR based tests in use in Scotland

Version 2.13


Update to duration of precautions to reference NIPCM and A-Z



The hospital testing tables were removed on 28 August 2023 due to changes in the SG COVID-19 testing procedures and the NIPCM was updated to reflect this. 

