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National Infection Prevention and Control Manual

National Infection Prevention and Control Manual

Transmission Based Precautions

Please Note: The new Transmission Based Precautions (TBPs) Definitions Literature Review recommendations are currently under development. 

In the interim, the revised literature review,  Part A of the Considered Judgement Forms and Evidence Tables have been published to provide stakeholders with the most up-to-date evidence:

Transmission Based Precautions Posters

These posters can be used when transmission based precautions are in place and show the procedures to be followed. 

HCID PPE Ensemble

HCID PPE ensemble update and current position On 23 October 2024, the Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) issued an update to 'Viral Haemorrhagic fever (VHF): ACDP algorithm and guidance on management of patients'.  The IPC content contained within this update is not aligned to the Scottish NIPCM and ARHAI Scotland will be working to review existing materials to align where possibleNHSScotland has not yet moved to the UK unified HCID PPE ensemble.  Work is currently underway to plan operationalisation of this in NHSScotland via a dedicated task and finish group led by ARHAI Scotland.   In the meantime, NHS boards should continue with the PPE ensemble outlined in the VHF entry contained within the A-Z of pathogens for any suspected or confirmed case. A training video outlining PPE donning and doffing sequence for VHF is also available from NES: The correct order for Donning and the safe order for Removal and disposal of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).ARHAI Scotland will review all other VHF content contained within the  Scottish NIPCM to align it with the ACDP guidance where relevant and  will disseminate updates via the established communication channels and the 'NIPCM latest news' once complete.